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Snake Eyes 675B Forged Blade Irons

NEW! These iron heads are ideal for low handicap players (0-8) who hit the ball on-center a high percentage of the time and are looking for a true muscle-back iron with high workability.
-Snake Eyes 675B Forged Irons bring forth a clean design in slightly softer carbon steel than the original 600B and are precision billet-forged from 1035 carbon steel to provide a soft feel for golfers who are more discerning about a soft, solid feeling iron.
-The 675B's thin top line, beveled tour-grind sole design and minimal offset all appeal to the accomplished player. Each face is skim milled for flatness with the face scorelines machine milled to hit the pinnacle of quality.

--Available in right hand only
Steel Shaft:call or e-mail for price...depends on shaft/grip.Graphite Shaft:

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QUESTION: 1)Are all golfers the same size? 2)Are all golfers the same strength? 3)Do all golfers have the same athletic ability? 4)Do all golfers have the same swing characteristics with the same swing speed and tempo? If you answered "no" to any one of these questions, then what is stopping you from getting professionally fit for golf clubs? Standard spec, prebuilt clubs, bought off the rack can't possibly allow you to be all that you can be as a golfer compared to a set built one club at a time with your swingspeed, tempo, athletic ability, coordination, and body size taken into consideration. CONGRATULATIONS to 2009 Alberta Mid Amatuer 2nd Place finisher, 2009 Desert Blume Club Champion, 2009 Med Hat Golf & C.C. Club Champion, and 2009 City Open Champion Kelly Risling (Tom Wishon Irons), 2009 City Open and 2009 Med Hat Golf & C.C. Club Championship Flight Low Net Winner (All Wishon Equipment), 2008 MHGC Men's Club Champion Marlon Croissant (Snake Eyes irons & woods), 2008 MHGC Junior Champion Will Wood (Wishon equipment), and 2007 Connaught Senior Champion Barry Deering (Snake Eyes equipment). All Winners are playing clubs fit and built by Bob Sailer Golf. TOM WISHON, in his 30+ year career, has more then 50 different clubhead design technology "firsts". Tom Wishon also had the pleasure of designing what tragically turned out to be the last set of clubs Payne Stewart played in competition. FYI, Tom Wishon club head designs have enjoyed multiple wins on the PGA Tour including Scott Verplank's win at the Bell Canadian Open. PLEASE NOTE: If you're looking for clones or knock-offs, this is not the site for you. BEFORE you get misled by a $50 million per year marketing campaign, allow me to give you a free, 15 minute, no obligation, clubfitting demonstration before you decide where to the very least you will learn a few things. ALSO MOI matching and TLT (True Length Technology). MOI matching allows every club to perform like your favorite. Have your existing irons MOI matched allowing for more center-face impact which will increase accuracy and distance...see my FAQ's for more info. NO BETTER prices on regripping in $3 or more per grip. ALL shafts are SPINE ALIGNED and FREQUENCY MATCHED to exact flex values to FIT YOUR SWING...No big-name golf club company that you see on TV offers this shaft service to the general public-WHY??-because it would take too much time (and expense) and this would slow down their MASS PRODUCTION ASSEMBLY LINE!! Information for Golfers: and search Tom Wishon on Youtube to see his 3 videos.